• Meridianbet Donate as an innovative engagement strategy positions us among the leaders in CSR within the betting and gaming industry
  • Optimized brand loyalty as active customer participation in CSR strengthens connection and loyalty
  • Scalable impact, as the model is designed for expansion and could be adapted to new markets, indicating potential for widespread adoption and growth


Transforming Customers into Environmentalists and Humanitarians

Meridianbet\'s pioneering initiative, Meridian Donate, is transforming the betting industry by engaging customers directly in corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions. This unique platform allows customers to actively participate in and fund various environmental, societal and humanitarian projects, setting a new standard for customer engagement and community impact.

Key Features of Meridianbet Donate

  • Direct customer involvement: Customers are not just donors but active participants in CSR decisions
  • Diverse programs: Offers choices from global afforestation to local humanitarian efforts
  • Partnerships with renowned organizations: Collaborates with entities like the Red Cross and UNICEF

Expanding Impact: A Year-by-Year Growth

The Meridian Donate platform has seen substantial growth in its scope and impact:

  • Number of individual campaigns: Grew from 8 in 2021 to 20 in 2023
  • National markets Integrated: Expanded from 3 in 2021 to 8 in 2023
  • Direct Beneficiaries: Increased from 43 NGOs in 2021 to 159 in 2023


In 2023 alone, the platform’s expansion into eight markets facilitated 20 customer-funded campaigns, directly benefiting 159 NGOs, up from 122 the previous year.

Continued Commitment to Innovation and Community Involvement

Meridian Donate not only showcases MeridianBet’s dedication to CSR but also redefines the role of digital marketing within the industry. By converting sports bettors into active CSR participants, Meridian Donate enhances customer loyalty and brand value, making it a critical element of MeridianBet\'s market strategy.

Recent Successes and Future Outlook

In its recent operation, Meridian Donate has launched an ambitious global afforestation initiative, committing to plant 20,000 seedlings across various regions. This project not only underscores our environmental commitment but also enhances our brand\'s community presence. Already, several hundred contributions have been recorded in the platform\'s first month, indicating robust customer engagement and support.